Wednesday, August 13, 2008

to ida

When i see your smile
My heart is singing for a while.

You have this prettiness
And a perfect charm
That brings me happiness.

You are such kind of a special face
That no one else like you
So sweet so humble, so calm
That's why in my heart you have a special place.

Stay as sweet and nice as you are always
To keep our friendship
Even you are very far
In my heart you are so near and hope that will always stays.

( poem tu bukan rekaan sendiri... tp sebab sesuai utk di tujukan to my forever friend noraida...(who came by today)... so i post it here )

but its also for my frens in CCSR... :-*


Anonymous said...

hey kak mai, ur friend ni must be very close to u...whoever she is my greetings to her ... and to u ... bila nak belanja? ha ha ha

Mai said...

ya.. she is very close to me... she's in High School Kajang... tak la jauh... tp dah lebih setahun tak jumpa...
nak belanja... boleh jer ...

princess from secret rendezvous said...

seronoknya ada forever friend kan...huhuhuhu

Mai said...

they are not found easily... but i found them here too...

Anonymous said...

u r rite that friends dont come easy but acquaintances do passby every now and then...close friends are like vitamins...they make ur life better and healthy and cheer u up ... but then again, too much of them may not be good for health...he he he take care

princess from secret rendezvous said...

next birthday kak mai sok dah tau nak belikan apa...berbotol2 vitamin la...hahahah...bukan apa...nak ikut cakap anonymous tu, bagi kak mai lagi sihat.hehehe.. baru leh jadi kawan kak mai yang menyihatkan lagi kuat! :))

Mai said...

ha ha ha... tak nak lah vitamin berbotol2... membazir jer nnt kat akak.. kak tak makan vitamin pun sihat nii... "vitamins" yang ada dlm ccsr tu dah cukup dah to cheer me up...

princess from secret rendezvous said...

ala...malu la...nak tutup muka pakai apa ni?? ke nak kena masuk dalam almari lap top tu nnt ye?
muat ke? huhuhu

Mai said...

uihhh... malu apa nya pulak nii..

Anonymous said...

mak long..nie amalina nie...
nk minta tlg..
ajokan wat blog..
amalina wat blog asyik x menjadi jer...
sdey tul...hahaha
tp ok lah mak long wat tu...

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