Friday, November 14, 2008

cuti yg tak cuti

today... last day of school for this year... tp not the end of work for teachers...
tomorrow .. anual meeting ..
monday till wed next week.. will b in Selesa Resort... wakil GKSM ... meeting pemantapan kurikulum..
Key in marks final exam form 4... b4 27th nov...
School time table for next year... will b done during the 'holidays' ..

[The only people u need in ur life is the one that need u in theirs..]


Mai said...


princess from secret rendezvous said...

menatang apa bengrok tu kak mai?? berok tau la eden...hehehehe

Mai said...

sebenarnya kannn... tak tau sapa yg letak bengrok tuu.. hehe.. tp rasa nya boleh di agak sapa...
tp bengrok tu nama bagi sekor kucing di taliair nun... hehe,, tp cat tu dah takdak...

princess from secret rendezvous said...

la...ya ka??glamor gak bengrok tu ye...ada gak yang masih ingat kat dia n abadikan nama dia di LC ni...huhuhuhuhu

Mai said...

hehe.. itulah... masih ingat ... tp yg special, mesti lah di ingatkan.. ? tak kira la ia kucing pun... hehe

princess from secret rendezvous said...

patutnya vevina kena join ni...sebab topik kucing..hehehe

Anonymous said...

kucing? cat? pussy cat? macam garfield ke? ha ha ha and vevina pulak from kucing? he he he ...macamano boleh sosat kat sobolah sini warith?

kak mai, how r u? he he he

Mai said...

itulah tugas cg pcik... sanggup di anto ke mana saja... tp dtg sini.. boleh bikin duit woo.. gi seberang sana pong bole jgk

Anonymous said...

buat duit? he he he .... tu kira bagus la kan ... tapi kan .... duit kalau banyak2 tu bagus ke?
how r u kak mai? he he he

Mai said...

duit... kalu banyakkk... sonang la nak york... sydney... dubai... etc.. etc...
mcm pcik x tau..hehe...

princess from secret rendezvous said...

agaknya pakcik tu dah banyak sangat duit kak mai...tu yang dia rasa tak bagus kot kalo banyak duit...pengalaman hidup dia sendiri tu...hahahaha..yo ko?

Anonymous said...

tang duit tu pak cik takde...tapi duit tu kata orang boleh cari la...borapo kau nak warith? banyak tu takleh la tapi kalau takat nak popiieee pokan ....pak cik buleh kasi...zaman pak cik muda2 dulu mana ade duit...miskin oooooo....sekolah pun tak bawa duit la.....ha ha ha

princess from secret rendezvous said...

"zaman pak cik muda2 dulu" sekarang ni dah "tua" la ye??? hehehe

Anonymous said...

hellooooo.....pak cik ni kan ...kalau umur pak cik di tolak kerana berkelakuan baik, kemudian tolak public holidays dan sebagainya...agak2 kan pak cik baru 37 kot...ha ha ha

princess from secret rendezvous said...

37 tu muda sangat ke pakcik?? kalo umur kita ni pulak, di tolak krn berkelakuan baik n tolak lagi public holiday n tolak cuti sekolah...memang sah la kita panggil pak cik yang umur 37 tu PAKCIK...hahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

wah3... kalau gitu gaya... hmm.. boleh jdi sweet 17 semula princesses SR.... hehehe

Anonymous said...

sorry for not being active the last few days la princess semua ... pak cik ada banyak hal ... maklum la orang tua ...he he he ... anyway, raya haji ni sape nak belanja pak cik? ... atau sape nak kasi korban kat pak cik...he he he

princess from secret rendezvous said...

pak cik nak daging korban, datang je ke surau atau masjid terdekat dgn umah pak cik yang ada buat korban ye n jgn lupa ambik tiket untuk agihan daging. pas tu beratuh....insyallah dapat la daging korban nnt.hehehehe

nak kita org belanja pak cik??meh sini datang banting...kita pekena cendol banting...cendol pulut or tapai...sedap tau! yummyyyyy...

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