Wednesday, January 14, 2009


this week.. meeting Bidang Sains n Maths.. dan juga KGKT
cross country starts this week too... training for the 'Raja Haji'.. Tuesday


Anonymous said...

hellooooooooooooo teacher and the kak mai...i like ur philosophy of happiness...i m happy for u too la...and hows the small kid ha the way...i m in kt...wah...the beach....the keropok lekor....the friendly people...and ..hate to mention....the political kak mai...bila nak mai kt?

princess from secret rendezvous said...

helloooo balik kat pak cik. patutla lama kat kt rupanya. memang best kan kat sana....makanan semua sedap! tu penting.kecuali politik tu...tak mo la campur. hehehe..ooooo...sempat perli org tu...

kalo ada masa sila la singgah ke SR. ada dah letak gallery kita org. nak cuci mata tengok gambar2 kita org...boleh je..hahah..

Anonymous said...

hellooo is kt now that its over?...the small kid? hehe... seems the 'small kid' is happy as always... dah siap gallery lagi tu...

princess from secret rendezvous said...

hahaha...ya..ya..sekarang dah 2 org lawan satu...huhuhuhu...mana aci ni...kena perli je.. :(

Anonymous said...

hello everyone...relax la small kid...after all the best gun shooter in the wild west at one time was a kid..they called him billy the kid....terrer tau....ha ha dah ada gallery....nanti one fine day pak cik tengok busy sikit kak r things with u? and small kid...dah ada boyfriend ke belum? ha ha ha....ada jugak la orang handsome di kt tapi masalah sikit la...kot tak faham loghat mereka...pekat........
ha ha ha....bile nak belanja pak cik ni? he he he

princess from secret rendezvous said...

ala...pak cik...tak kan nak samakan kita ni cam billy the kid plak?? tak mo la..hehehe... pasal boyfriend tu...aduiyaiii...tak tau la nak jawab pe.malas nak pk dulu sekarang ni.walau memang sedar umur dah makin meningkat.sekarang ni nak pk camner nak lebihkan duit dlm poket je...hehehe...lagi happy kot banding nak pk pasal bf....

nak kita org belanja...datang la banting...set je...jom!

Anonymous said...

haa.. amacam pcik.. the kid dah jemput tu..

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