Sunday, September 21, 2008


Do U know what is Dabai? ... Dabai is a native fruit of Sarawak harvested by local natives and sold it in the native market. It can only be found in SIBU. The external colour of DABAI is black while the flesh of the fruit is yellow in colour. The seed in the centre is yellow and diamond in shape as shown in the picture above. . They tastes great... Soak them for awhile in salted warm water ... and eat with rice... hmmm... yummmyyy...


princess from secret rendezvous said...

dah tu mana dabai utk kita org?? merasa sorang2 la....sampai hati ekkkk...cerita je sedap....huhuhu

Mai said...

he.. he... nnt next time... when ada musim nya.. kak bawa .. tp apa kata time musimnya tu.. kita gi sarawak..

Anonymous said...

huda xnk...
tp nk ikut g sarawak...

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