Wednesday, January 28, 2009

whew!!... luckily they havent submit the certs to the PPD yet. I managed to sent in mine this morning. I was also hoping I can print out the timetable for a few changes ( again ) for certain BM teachers... but alas... the server wasnt on so I cant access the SSS001... oh well.. mayb tomorrow or friday


princess from secret rendezvous said...

so lucky la tak kena bebel masa anto certs tu tadi ye???hehehehe... ptg tadi server dah ok...sok leh la datang...datang tau...jgn tak datang.

huhuhuhuuhu....tak jadi beli laptop baru bulan ni.... :p
tapi tak pe la...jimat sikit duit kan?? heheheeh

Anonymous said...

yer...tak kena bebel.. ada jer org lain punya certs kat situ... ok...esok print
itulah...apa nak buat kan? next month kita gi beli...

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