Sunday, March 8, 2009


... a reader's blog n his/her writings about PPSMI

this is a comment i took from Rocky Bru's blog to share with...n can b agreed on.
Blogger donplaypuks® said...

They are their own worst enemies, these 'ultra super patriots and nationalists!'

If they wish to do away with teaching Science & Maths in English, then they must first ensure that English Language (grammar, sentence construction, essay writing, comprehension etc) and English Literature must be made compulsory from Standard 1 to Form 5 & 6.

And, we must have sufficient teachers with the right qualification, training, commitment and desire to excel to teach English and be fairly rewarded (as in S'pore) in turn. Not the kind who teach Manglish and add an 'isn't it' at the end of every sentence!

English is the lingua franca of the World and we will effectively be 'cutting our nose to spite our face' if we abandon it completely as it will deny many access to the Internet and from being competitive in a Global Economy.

Do not use the red herring of those in rural areas not being able to cope with English. All it means is that the Minister and the Ed Dept must focus and allocate more resources and efforts to improve this neglected area.

I urge all, especially the Malays, to think carefully on this subject instead of indulging in knee-jerk reactions!!


princess from secret rendezvous said...

sayang kalau nak hapuskan PPSMI ni...tapi tu la...kena ada peningkatan usaha untuk perbaikinya...

guru2 kena kuasai english dgn sempurna juga kan...bagi terror cam kak mai ni.terutama yang mengajar di sk..untuk bebudak plak, selalunya budak luar bandar yang payah nak terima,...tapi bak kata pepatah 'melentur buluh biar dari rebung' kan??
bila sambung ke peringkat lebih tinggi,derang mesti dah biasa dgn english..

rasanya, PPSMI tak jejaskan langsung BAHASA MELAYU pon....

contoh yg dekat dah ada...pelajar yang dulunya dari english medium fasih lagi mengguna bahasa melayu kan kak mai? :p

kena bawak kak mai jumpa A Samad Said sebgai bukti bahasa melayu tu tak terjejas! hehehehe

Anonymous said...

hehehe... za nii.. mmg bijak menggunakan bahasa melayu... n semakin pandai berbahasa inggeris... sebab rajin belajar... yang penting.. mesti ada kemahuan utk kuasai sesuatu bahasa tu
tp kalau derang wajibkan bahasa arab dari sekolah rendah lagi... lagi lah baik nya...
tak yah nak pertikai ttg ppsmi...

Anonymous said...

pendapat sasterawan ttg PPSMI

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