Tuesday, May 26, 2009

registration punya pasal

my sis, Tie, arrived from Kucing at abt 1145pm.. fetched them at LCCT but had to go on my own cos the 'boss' was not well... Happy to see them again...
friday afternoon went to Mydin usj.. my 2nd time there n i was not sure of the way there but as usual.. 'redah' jer.. but sampai lah jgk... n yg tak disangka2 is my bro in law tu mmg nak gi petaling street..imagine.. dah mlm tuu.. so at abt 9 pm.. 'redah' lagi ke petaling street...alhamdulillah...reached PS b4 closing time...
By 1.00 am we were at home... ( terkejut enche ada ... ingatkan tak dtg )
Saturday: was supposed to attend ceramah Dr Ghazali...
but since my bro in law was not sure of the way to UiTM, i had to 'tag' along... (if tau jln pun.. akan ikut jgk...)
actually my niece ,Izzati, register utk belajar di UiTM .. course TESL...n dia dpt sebilik dgn best fren dia.
Zura came all the way from Ipoh with her parents... just to meet Tie... (best nya)
after that we were in Pantai Hillpark... then to Senawang... back to Shah Alam... Banting... n to Pantai Hillpark again... ( the same nite .. )
Sunday : to LCCT again... flight Tie at 1145 am.


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