Tuesday, July 14, 2009


i bring here comments made by a student in chedet blog...

By ShadowxAuthor Profile Page on July 9, 2009 5:14 PM

I am the first batch student who went through PPSMI program back in 2003 when I am in Form 1. I don’t understand why the government want to reverse it back to teaching Maths and Science in Malay language?

I know rural area are facing tough time in understanding the language but can we enhance our quality of teacher instead of abandoning billions of ringgit that the government spent for PPSMI.

PPSMI personally helped me thoroughly as I am able to understand all my lessons now in university without any problem. This is mainly because my basics are all in English language and English is the medium that higher institutes are using.

Government introduced PPSMI in the means of realizing the vision 2020 of Malaysia. Reversing PPSMI will not only severe our younger generation's future. It'll severe our country's future economy and development as well.

I beg government to take in consideration of our younger generation’s voice before making such drastic changes just because people protested. I am responsible for my children's future and I do not want my children to condemn me in the future by asking questions such as "Why didn't father do something about the education system back then?".


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